Text Face

TextFace is an interactive installation that allows people to leave their text-message as well as a video message. The interactive shows all recorded messages until someone activates it by pressing any key on the keyboard. Once activated, the system shows live video taken from the camera, as well as a message inviting the user to type his/her message. As the user types, images are recorded on every keystroke, so a stop-frame animation is gathered as the user writes the message. Once the user is finished, a final animation is recorded and the whole message becomes part of the collaborative story. Text Face would be an interactive video-enabled version of a traditional guest-book.

Text Face has been used in “Every time I see the sea…”, an fund-rising exhibit about the Tsuanmi by Christian Aid, as well as in the “Legible London Exhibition” at New London Architecture.

Texface Render

Example footage, acquired during the development of the project.