Piacere, Fabrica @ Moca Shanghai
Piacere, Fabrica is an interactive installation that requires the audience to contribute. By stepping on the sensor matt, museum visitors trigger the system that records their action during 2 seconds, 48 frames. This recording is added to the previous recordings, allowing the audience to contribute to the collaborative movie that it’s slowly built as more and more people use the artwork. In stand-by mode, the piece shows in sequential order all the recordings made so far; a long movie that grows everyday. Computer, camera, sensor matt, projector, custom made software. Example of use. Sample collaborative movie shot during its testing phase. More info in the Moca Shanghai web page here. Together with Andy Cameron, Ross Phillips and Daniel Hirshmann (Physical Computing). Thanks to Juliana Loh for making this happen! Full length recording of the exhibit, March 3rd – April 20th, 2007 |