Author Archive

setembre 12, 2007 Off

3D printing

By in Disseny, General that’s cool!

setembre 11, 2007 Off

La Muralla

By in Development, Disseny

Al final ha quedat així….  Y ara, una mica de rollo per explicar de que va el tema…

setembre 8, 2007 Off


By in Opinió, Tecnologia

This is so simple and useful that I can’t believe I never saw it before.

setembre 5, 2007 Off

Formigues sobre la Muralla

By in Disseny, General, Interactive, Tecnologia

Encara per Vicente Guallart Arquitectes, dins la mateixa mostra, em van proposar de fer una projecció sobre la muralla que hi ha a l’espai….  Per ara, stic treballant sobre una colònia de formigues, amb els seus nius i les seves fonts d’aliment.Els punts vermells són els formiguers; els verds són aliment, i els traços blaus són les formigues que es mouen seguint tot seguint les regles que dicta el relleu de la muralla.

agost 28, 2007 Off

LiquidMac and Fish top in Apple’s game download page.

By in Development, Opinió

LiquidMac ranks #2 on Apple’s website most downloaded games.  And Fish ranks number 5!

agost 23, 2007 Off

Damn Trees

By in Development, Interactive

New aproach for the tree, they kind of want a geometrical sculpture with precise points in space, so much more complicated than I thought….

agost 20, 2007 Off

Lego + Casablanca

By in Disseny, Fotografia!

agost 17, 2007 Off

Building Parametric Trees…

By in Disseny, Interactive

Basic geometry rules + Recursion == Nice TreesThis is for Guallart Architects.

agost 14, 2007 Off

Weekend con Chiara

By in Fotografia, General, Viatges

Che bell’ weekedn!  Grazie mille chiara!

agost 1, 2007 Off

Windows Inside your Mac? OMG!

By in Opinió, Tecnologia

Parallels Desktop is an amazing piece of software.  Running windows apps inside Mac OS X, integrated inside the WindowServer, so that they respond to Expose, They Show in inthe Dock, etc. is just amazing.

agost 1, 2007 Off

Hacking Passports….

By in Opinió

“A hacker has demonstrated an exploit against the RFID tags in the new US passports that allows him to clone a passport and modify the RFID with bad code that will crash the passport readers.” That’s what happens when you try to making traditional things more secure by adding technology to them…. via: boingboing

juliol 31, 2007 2

Comments Vs Spam…

By in General, Tecnologia

I will try enabling comments again on the blog, just installed this plugin for wordpress that is supposed to block all the casino-sex crap.