Good Bye Snibbe! And good bye San Francisco.It was surely fun while it lasted.
Archive for the ‘Viatges’ Category
One Day In San Francisco
By Uri in Fotografia, General, ViatgesShooting random clips as I was wandering around San Francisco on my bike. I Happened to get trapped in the middle of the Chinese New Year celebration parade 2009. All shot with my Nikon D90 and the nikkor 18-200 VR lens. Then put it together into this nonsense clip.
Xmas in Thailand
By Uri in Opinió, ViatgesAquests nadals i cap d’any els passo a thailàndia! L’Ann i en Mark es casen, i han convidat a tot de gent de fabrica a la boda. Ara mateix sóc a l’aeroport de San Francisco esperant el vol, en total 20+ hores d’avions i aeroports, per arribar just 18 hores abans de la boda! PD: […]
Installing @ Nemo Amsterdam – Looking for Life
By Uri in Development, Disseny, Interactive, Tecnologia, ViatgesHome Sweet Home
By Uri in Opinió, ViatgesJa tinc casa a San Francisco! Mira les fotos!
Back to San Francisco
By Uri in Fotografia, General, ViatgesLiving at Cole Street now… Chris invited some of us to join a barbecue at his place in Oakland for the 4th of july.
Back From Art Rock
By Uri in Fotografia, Interactive, Opinió, ViatgesI was sent to Install Scott Snibbe‘s Social Light at the Art Rock Music Festival, and I’m back. Almost a week in a small small french town (St Brieuc). The best was having a chance to meet the other invited artists. Social Light. I loved Pablo Vabuena‘s Augmented Sculpture. Absolutely shocking and tripping. Vincent Elka’s […]
Back To Barcelona…
By Uri in Disseny, Interactive, ViatgesBack to Barcelona… Still working for SnibbeInteractive, but from back home… And something new and exciting coming up!
The american way of Drive
By Uri in Fotografia, ViatgesNo he tingut més remei que llogar aquesta bèstia; no quedava rés mes a l’empresa de lloguer de cotxes… No sembla tan gran a la foto, però és realment enorme! Compara la mida de les rodes amb les del cotxe de darrera…. Trigo hores a trobar un lloc prou gran on aparcar-lo! pffff
I crossed the Golden Gate
By Uri in Fotografia, ViatgesOn a bike. And it was windy. But that’s about it.
A week in Beijing! Just before San Francisco!
By Uri in ViatgesSo… one week in Beijing! That feels like ages ago now, although it was only like 3 weeks ago! So just after I heard about the offer in San Francisco, I thought on no, a real job! No more free time, daily schedules to follow, no more trips whenever I feel like…. That sucks! So […]
Nova Bici!
By Uri in Fotografia, General, ViatgesPer fi és dissabte, pero torna a ploure… De totes maneres, després d’un parell de dies de sol durant aquesta setmana, havia decidit comprar una bici, aixà que hi he anat igualment. L’he comprada a una botiga on lloguen bicis, aprop del Golden Gate Park, per 200$. Sembla car, però els preus de les bicicletes […]