Adéu Miku! Grà cies per tot!
Archive for the ‘Fotografia’ Category
Port de Barcelona – TimeLapse test
By Uri in Fotografia, TecnologiaSecond test on timelapse photography. This went better, as the camera didnt move so much. But something new went wrong, for some reason the camera exposure changed between shots (although it was all set in manual, so I wonder if it was the light in the scene that changed). This makes it look jumpy and […]
TimeLapse Photography
By Uri in Development, Disseny, FotografiaFa uns dies vaig trobar això i això. Ho trobo brutal, un exemple del que es pot fer amb sèries de fotografies noctures. La referència a koyanisqaatsi és inevitable. I tinc ganes de fer alguna cosa similar a diversos punts de Barcelona. L’aventatge de fer vÃdeo amb una cà mera fotogrà fica és que permet treballar a […]
Lego + Casablanca
By Uri in Disseny, Fotografia!
Weekend con Chiara
By Uri in Fotografia, General, ViatgesChe bell’ weekedn! Grazie mille chiara!
Rendering involves……
By Uri in Fotografia, GeneralRendering > Waiting > Boredom > RandomStuff done.
Bangkok with Prima, Ann, Mark and Jane!
By Uri in Fotografia, ViatgesI really enjoyed my (short) visit to bangkok, and that’s in great part because of your company! 🙂 Hopefully I’ll have a chance to pay back, and host you when you come visit me (wherever I end up living!)