Archive for the ‘Opinió’ Category

febrer 18, 2008 Off

My Fav Desktop WallPapers

By in Fotografia, Opinió

See them here.

desembre 1, 2007 1

Consequences of shareware

By in Opinió

I’m learning new things since the release of BugMirror, my first shareware app. I guess it is a good sign when people reach your site when looking for a pirated SN of your soft through google… Google analytics is very neat, as it lets you see what did visitors type in their search queries that […]

novembre 29, 2007 Off

HEY! That sounds familiar…..

By in Interactive, Opinió I should go back to work on this!

octubre 15, 2007 1

Nature as an animated pattern generator

By in Interactive, Opinió

My dad loves fishin, and lately he’s been getting into squid fishing.Last weekend he got quite a big one, 70 cm!That’s not so cool on its own, but calamari skin is.  I know they can change their skin “color”, but I had no idea they could do it even after dead!

octubre 4, 2007 Off

Amazed by the new Interface Builder

By in Opinió, Tecnologia

You can apply “Core Animation” to any view (that is, custom NSViews, OpenGL Views, WebKit Views, NSProgressBar, anything!)  That Means you can “pos-filter” any view with the well-known CoreImage Filters!

octubre 3, 2007 Off

Introverts Vs. Extroverts

By in Opinió read.

setembre 30, 2007 Off

MonkeySphere Concept

By in Opinió

Interesting, as monkeys always are.

setembre 12, 2007 Off

Map the world with Google Earth

By in Disseny, General, Opinió

I was very please to see how peole are contributing to the 3D mapping of the world by using Google Earth.  There are some very nice and detailed models around!

setembre 8, 2007 Off


By in Opinió, Tecnologia

This is so simple and useful that I can’t believe I never saw it before.

agost 28, 2007 Off

LiquidMac and Fish top in Apple’s game download page.

By in Development, Opinió

LiquidMac ranks #2 on Apple’s website most downloaded games.  And Fish ranks number 5!

agost 1, 2007 Off

Windows Inside your Mac? OMG!

By in Opinió, Tecnologia

Parallels Desktop is an amazing piece of software.  Running windows apps inside Mac OS X, integrated inside the WindowServer, so that they respond to Expose, They Show in inthe Dock, etc. is just amazing.

agost 1, 2007 Off

Hacking Passports….

By in Opinió

“A hacker has demonstrated an exploit against the RFID tags in the new US passports that allows him to clone a passport and modify the RFID with bad code that will crash the passport readers.” That’s what happens when you try to making traditional things more secure by adding technology to them…. via: boingboing