Archive for the ‘General’ Category

novembre 2, 2008 Off

D90 Test Shot

By in General

Really happy about the D90’s performance so far! I feel a Nikon 18-200VR lens will follow soon…

octubre 31, 2008 Off

Bye Bye Mang!

By in General

Best luck in your new job!

octubre 28, 2008 Off

Nikon D90 in da haus!

By in Fotografia, General, Opinió, Tecnologia

Ja ha arribat! El meu regal de reis de l’any passat ha arribat una mica tard, però al final ha arribat! I és una passada!! : ) Al final ha estat una Nikon D90, i apart de fer unes fotos brutals a 12mpixels, grava video 720p! Una foto des de la finestra del menjador de […]

octubre 13, 2008 Off


By in General
agost 11, 2008 Off

Olympics Crash

By in General, Tecnologia At least you couldnt see it on tv!

juliol 30, 2008 Off

Boda Josep-Monstse

By in General

El Pepe s’ens ha casat!!

juliol 5, 2008 Off

Home dangerous home

By in General

There’s something wrong with California Laws when they require an appartment to have this sign at the entrance: WARNING This Area Contains Chemicals Known To The State Of California To Cause Cancer and Birth Defects Or Other Reproductive Harm.

juliol 5, 2008 Off

Back to San Francisco

By in Fotografia, General, Viatges

Living at Cole Street now… Chris invited some of us to join a barbecue at his place in Oakland for the 4th of july.

abril 29, 2008 Off

And now, Chinese spam

By in General, Opinió, Tecnologia

Am I the only one getting a lot of chinese spam email lately?

abril 24, 2008 Off

Carlo e Marco…

By in Fotografia, General

You guys are awesome!

abril 20, 2008 Off

Welcome Nina!

By in Fotografia, General

Got back to Barcelona, and found this insanely cute kitten waiting for me at home! Say hi to Nina!

abril 19, 2008 Off

Juan and Tamara

By in General

That’s right, they did it! Another married couple! Congrats guys, I hope we get to celebrate once you move to Europe! Photo by someone