Long time since I wanted to make a screensaver out of LiquidMac. Done!Give Flow a try!
Archive for the ‘Disseny’ Category
Map the world with Google Earth
By Uri in Disseny, General, OpinióI was very please to see how peole are contributing to the 3D mapping of the world by using Google Earth. There are some very nice and detailed models around!
3D printing
By Uri in Disseny, Generalhttp://www.fabjectory.com/wow that’s cool!
La Muralla
By Uri in Development, DissenyAl final ha quedat aixÃ…. Y ara, una mica de rollo per explicar de que va el tema…
Formigues sobre la Muralla
By Uri in Disseny, General, Interactive, TecnologiaEncara per Vicente Guallart Arquitectes, dins la mateixa mostra, em van proposar de fer una projecció sobre la muralla que hi ha a l’espai…. Per ara, stic treballant sobre una colònia de formigues, amb els seus nius i les seves fonts d’aliment.Els punts vermells són els formiguers; els verds són aliment, i els traços blaus són les formigues que es mouen seguint tot seguint les regles que dicta el relleu de la muralla.
Lego + Casablanca
By Uri in Disseny, Fotografiahttp://www.flickr.com/photos/75402360@N00/1173188115cool!
Building Parametric Trees…
By Uri in Disseny, InteractiveBasic geometry rules + Recursion == Nice TreesThis is for Guallart Architects.
New website coming!
By Uri in Disseny, General, InteractiveGetting there slowly…
Render time….
By Uri in Disseny, GeneralI’m doing some webcam based DVD’s for Ann, which turn out to be very long. I’ts 11 DVD’s 12 hours long each one, and they show some weird combination of real-time-lapse of webcams around the world…Â 12 hours of video require a lot of rendering!