Archive for the ‘Opinió’ Category

octubre 28, 2008 Off

Home Sweet Home

By in Opinió, Viatges

Ja tinc casa a San Francisco! Mira les fotos!

setembre 8, 2008 Off

Cool Flash based Spider

By in Disseny, Interactive, Opinió, Tecnologia

setembre 7, 2008 Off

Tunnel iPhone player distributuion in the U.S.

By in Development, Opinió, Tecnologia
agost 26, 2008 Off

Facebook en Català

By in Opinió

Per alguna raó no m’acostumo a que tant el software com els llocs web estiguin en català. Tot i que les traduccions són perfectament correctes, per alguna extranya raó no em sento “com a casa” i acabo canviant a l’anglès… És curiós perquè sempre esperava que algú traduís el software que més utlitzo al català; […]

agost 22, 2008 Off

this is great

By in Opinió

This guy is always right:

agost 17, 2008 Off

Good News!

By in Opinió

After frustratingly seeing how my salary kept going down, and down, and down….. It’s going back up! 🙂

juny 30, 2008 Off

Spore Creature Creator

By in Disseny, Interactive, Opinió

Maxis will ship Spore pretty soon. I really can’t wait to see it! In the mean time, they released its creature creator as a trial…. Very well done, you can create some awesomely nonesense entities! Give it a try! Here are some of mine….

maig 21, 2008 2

Apple standards going down

By in Opinió, Tecnologia

Apple is getting careless about many many things lately… Look at this UI bug where differently colored rects are being drawn around UI widgets… This would have never gone to a release 5 years ago! And let’s not talk about the iphone SDK program… Xcode 3.1 is painful joke! 🙁

maig 8, 2008 Off

Back From Art Rock

By in Fotografia, Interactive, Opinió, Viatges

I was sent to Install Scott Snibbe‘s Social Light at the Art Rock Music Festival, and I’m back. Almost a week in a small small french town (St Brieuc). The best was having a chance to meet the other invited artists. Social Light. I loved Pablo Vabuena‘s Augmented Sculpture. Absolutely shocking and tripping. Vincent Elka’s […]

abril 29, 2008 Off

And now, Chinese spam

By in General, Opinió, Tecnologia

Am I the only one getting a lot of chinese spam email lately?

abril 5, 2008 Off

Wise words

By in General, Opinió

“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.” Lin Yutang This is so true!

febrer 19, 2008 Off

Oh no…. Here it comes again

By in Opinió