Archive for the ‘General’ Category

octubre 20, 2007 Off

Mexican (Midget) Fight

By in Fotografia, General

He de veure això en viu!

octubre 16, 2007 1

Hansi @ Work

By in Disseny, FABRICA, General, Interactive

You all know him.

setembre 24, 2007 Off


By in Fotografia, General

La meva cosina!

setembre 14, 2007 1


By in General

Just released!Little eyes sit on the menu bar and follow YOUR movements (not your mouse pointer!)….  As it analyzes movement using video input, this software requires a camera equipped mac.

setembre 12, 2007 Off

Map the world with Google Earth

By in Disseny, General, Opinió

I was very please to see how peole are contributing to the 3D mapping of the world by using Google Earth.  There are some very nice and detailed models around!

setembre 12, 2007 Off

3D printing

By in Disseny, General that’s cool!

setembre 5, 2007 Off

Formigues sobre la Muralla

By in Disseny, General, Interactive, Tecnologia

Encara per Vicente Guallart Arquitectes, dins la mateixa mostra, em van proposar de fer una projecció sobre la muralla que hi ha a l’espai….  Per ara, stic treballant sobre una colònia de formigues, amb els seus nius i les seves fonts d’aliment.Els punts vermells són els formiguers; els verds són aliment, i els traços blaus són les formigues que es mouen seguint tot seguint les regles que dicta el relleu de la muralla.

agost 14, 2007 Off

Weekend con Chiara

By in Fotografia, General, Viatges

Che bell’ weekedn!  Grazie mille chiara!

juliol 31, 2007 2

Comments Vs Spam…

By in General, Tecnologia

I will try enabling comments again on the blog, just installed this plugin for wordpress that is supposed to block all the casino-sex crap.

juliol 29, 2007 Off

Rendering involves……

By in Fotografia, General

Rendering > Waiting > Boredom > RandomStuff done.

juliol 29, 2007 Off

New website coming!

By in Disseny, General, Interactive

Getting there slowly…

juliol 26, 2007 Off

Render time….

By in Disseny, General

I’m doing some webcam based DVD’s for Ann, which turn out to be very long. I’ts 11 DVD’s 12 hours long each one, and they show some weird combination of real-time-lapse of webcams around the world…  12 hours of video require a lot of rendering!