L’Andy ha aconsegiut que li deixin una cà mera Gigabit Ehternet que permet capturar 30 fps a FullHD (1920 x 1080p). Només funciona sobre windows, aixà que he desenvolupat “a cegues” una versió d’Still sobre windows per aquesta cà mera. Encara no l’he vista funcionar, ja que la cà mera és a fabrica, i el procés de desenvolupament ha consistit en creació d’executables a Barcelona (per part meva), i testeig+feedback a Treviso (thanks Jackee). Per ara tenim una versió en blanc i negre que sembla que funciona de meravella.
Apple standards going down
By Uri in Opinió, TecnologiaApple is getting careless about many many things lately… Look at this UI bug where differently colored rects are being drawn around UI widgets… This would have never gone to a release 5 years ago!
And let’s not talk about the iphone SDK program… Xcode 3.1 is painful joke!
Back From Art Rock
By Uri in Fotografia, Interactive, Opinió, ViatgesI was sent to Install Scott Snibbe‘s Social Light at the Art Rock Music Festival, and I’m back. Almost a week in a small small french town (St Brieuc). The best was having a chance to meet the other invited artists.
I loved Pablo Vabuena‘s Augmented Sculpture. Absolutely shocking and tripping.
Vincent Elka’s “Shout” was a bit too “let’s make it big, and it will be good” for me (this way of thinking reminds me of some back at Fabrica), but the visual treatment and the energy it transmitted where ellaborated. I always feel sound-based interaction is be frustrating and random. This was no exception.
The other piece was “Se Mi Sei Vicino”, by Sonia Cillari. Shame I didnt have a chance to see it finished, as I had to leave before it was all set up… But seemed very promising! And Sonia and Pix were good fun… That last night, in that weird bar where we were told a life-story in spanish by a crazy looking old woman was unforgetable. Oh and of c, Pix is Australian…how random meeting someone from Adelaide again!
I Ragazzi della Prateria + Jovanotti
By Uri in Development, Disseny, InteractiveCarlo and Marco (I Ragazzi della Prateria) asked me if I could work on a piece of software for their newest gig… They manage the visuals for the latest Jovanotti tour, Safari. It seems to be going pretty well!
And now, Chinese spam
By Uri in General, Opinió, TecnologiaAm I the only one getting a lot of chinese spam email lately?
Back To Barcelona…
By Uri in Disseny, Interactive, ViatgesBack to Barcelona… Still working for SnibbeInteractive, but from back home…
And something new and exciting coming up!
Juan and Tamara
By Uri in General
That’s right, they did it! Another married couple!
Congrats guys, I hope we get to celebrate once you move to Europe!
Photo by someone
Wise words
By Uri in General, Opinió“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.”
Lin Yutang
This is so true!