It’s better if I let them explain.
San Francisco Zoo
By Uri in FotografiaAquest cap de setmana he anat al Zoo! Mira les fotos a flickr.
New Friends from Ebay
By Uri in Fotografia, GeneralThose weird creatures that help me out during my daily programming sessions are Pikmin. They are the main characters of a game series called “Pikmin”, that Nintendo released for the GameCube a few years ago. If you haven’t tried that game yet, you totally should, VERY clever and different from most games. Shigeru Miyamoto is such genius. It’s totally worth getting a 2nd hand gamecube now that they are totally undervalued, just to play this gem.
I got them from ebay, they arrived on friday. Beautifully packaged, together with some super-cute japanese candy as a gift. Its seller was great, if you like random japanese things, visit his ebay page.
Walking Bugs
By Uri in Development, DissenyI’ll be needing bugs for my first project, so here are the results after some experimentation…
See here. You’ll need java for this to run…
Palo Alto With Eric
By Uri in Fotografia, GeneralAquest cap de setmana he anat (finalment) a veure l’Eric a Palo Alto, on actualment estudia a Standford Campus… Quina passada d’universitat! És com una ciutat, hi ha uns 15.000 estudiants…
Primer un “happening”, quina cosa més curiosa! Una mena de “performance” força surrealista, però interessant alhora, que no és poc….
Després un tomb pel campus, visitant el seu lloc de treball, i més tard un pub…. Avorrits del Pub anem cap a la “nut house”! Qui ho havia de dir, un bar on es poden menjar cacauets (nuts) i la costum és llençar la closca a terra! Sembla més un estable que un bar, però cada s’apren alguna cosa nova…
I ja cap al tard, de camà als dormitoris, unes carreres amb el “laundry kart” pels passadissos…. Quin parell!
Sandwich de Parmeggiano i ceba, mmmm perfecte per after-party….