gener 22, 2007 Off


By in FABRICA, Viatges

Moca Shangai

Mmmm sembla que farem un altre viatget a Àsia! Gràcies a la Juliana, que té una amiga que està organitzant una mostra pel Moca Shanghai, sembla que farem juntament amb l’Andy una altra instal·lació basada en AfterParty, com la que ja vam fer a Seoul.

Més info aquí.

gener 21, 2007 Off

Silly things … thanks Ann!

By in General, Opinió

Quoting Regine, who issued the game to Ann, who added me to this madness:

“The rules: I have to blog about 5 things that people wouldn’t necessarily know about me, and then in turn tag 5 other people.”

So here we go….

1. I always wanted to be a vet, I love animals and I did take care of way too many strage creatures when I was a kid. You can learn a lot from them. I thank my uncle (who is a vet) for upsetting my parents by coming with a different animal every time my age increased.

2. I believe in laziness. Being lazy makes me smarter. It makes me think of the minimum-effort way to do things, wich tends to be the optimal one.

3. I love challenges. If it’s not challenging, I won’t do it. It all becomes too boring once you discovered it, that’s why I still dont know what I want to do in life. Everything gets me bored too soon.

4. I hardly ever read books. If I ever do, its a manual. For some strange reason, most books give me a “I’m wasting my time, I dont want to do that” feeling when reading them. Oh well.

5. I am 27, I have a nintedo DS and a Wii, and they rock.

And my 5 lucky tagged people are: Marc (Barcelona, Spain), Juliana (Singapore), Fah (Thailand), Hansi (Linz,Austria),  Budreya (Dubai,United Arab Emirates)

gener 20, 2007 Off

World of Warcraft and new Markets

By in General, Tecnologia

I downloaded the demo of World of Warcraft, the biggest MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) available. I was alwas curious about this kind of games, but i never had so much free time to try one properly. So I did.

Ganador (my player) and his cat bombay.

The whole expierence is amazing, I understand why so many people are addicted to it… I could play this for months! No other game has had me playing for so long in a very long while… Give it a try, they offer a free 10 day trial (the download is 4gb though).

But the amazing thing is that.Seven millions of people have signed up with wow, that is a lot of people. And those guys saw it. They buy and sell warcraft money, so if you are desperate to get that awsome item that would take you weeks to buy by killing thousands of random creatures, you can talk to them and buy some warcraft “gold” for some real-world dollars. How clever is that! They also buy money, so if u are really bored and want to make real-world money, make as much as u can in the fictional world, and they’ll give you dollars for it. Clever idea!

gener 5, 2007 Off

HDR : High dynamic range

By in Fotografia, Opinió

Mmm això pot donar molt de joc!

Imatge composta de vàries imatges preses a diferents graus de sobre/sota d’exposició (HDR). Amb les eines adequades, total llibertat per triar l’exposició. Això permet, per exemple, mostrar una exposició adequada del que hi ha a la pantalla i de la resta de l’escena alhora.

No Hdr-1
Imatge sense HDR, “al natural” presa a un nivell d’exposició adequat.

En aquestes imatges reduïdes no s’aprecia, però HDR també ajuda molt a reduir el soroll introduït per velocitat ISO’s altes.

desembre 27, 2006 Off

Sketchs Pompidou…

By in FABRICA, General, Opinió

Revisant tot el que acumulat durant l’any a fabrica, apareixen cosetes com aquesta…

Ann Chandelier

Quina pena que no triessin aquesta idea de l’Ann pel show del Pompidou…

desembre 20, 2006 Off


By in Disseny, General

Aquests dies estic treballant en una web-portfolio

Picture 1-9

desembre 12, 2006 Off

Ciao Fabrica!

By in FABRICA, General, Viatges

Demà ja marxo!!! Unes 14 hores en cotxe fins a Barcelona, des de Treviso…
Ciao Fabrica! Gràcies per tot!

desembre 11, 2006 Off


By in Opinió

A i B tenen el mateix nivell de Gris. NO POT SER!!!!!

desembre 5, 2006 Off

Ciao Ganador!


Ciao Ganador

En Yianni ja ha marxat! Ara em toca a mi… Deixo Fabrica el proper dimecres! Uaaaaaaa!

desembre 5, 2006 Off

netPong video

By in General, Tecnologia

Algú ha fet un video del netPong i l’ha posat a youTube!

desembre 1, 2006 Off


By in FABRICA, General, Tecnologia


Juga a Pong movent el portàtil!


novembre 20, 2006 Off

Seoul: Fotos

By in FABRICA, Fotografia, Viatges

dilluns 18 novembre 2097 09:32:12divendres 15 novembre 2097 14:46:52
dilluns 18 novembre 2097 10:08:20dilluns 18 novembre 2097 12:35:57
dimarts 12 novembre 2097 16:16:11diumenge 17 novembre 2097 12:52:16

Quick & Dirty Panoramic of Triad Gallery – I’ve been waiting for you. (click for bigger img)

Algunes de les fotos dels 10 últims dies a Seoul…..

Fotos de l’Inauguració (Opening)
Fotos de la Xerrada a la Galeria (Gallery Talk)
Fotos de la Galeria (Gallery)
Fotos de la Media Arts Biennale de Seoul (Biennale)
Fotos de la conferència de Premsa (Press conference)
Fotos vàries de Seoul (Random people and stuff)