febrer 3, 2008 Off

A week in Beijing! Just before San Francisco!

By in Viatges

So… one week in Beijing! That feels like ages ago now, although it was only like 3 weeks ago!

So just after I heard about the offer in San Francisco, I thought on no, a real job! No more free time, daily schedules to follow, no more trips whenever I feel like…. That sucks! So I wanted to go for one last trip before all that started. And bc I also had some pending promises with Jules, I asked if it would be cool for me to visit her in Beijing, where she currently works and lives…. And she said yes! So that’s how it went.

Juliana was an awesome host, she organized a private driver to pick me up at the airport, so it was all very easy (although the driver only spoke chinese). “The old man”, as Jules secretly calls him, was holding a sign with my name on it, so its easy to spot him in crowded beijing airport. He gave me a envelope (that Jules prepared for me, as she was at work) which contained a little hand-drawn map of Jules’s aparment area, some instructions on what to do, and her apartment keys. As soon as we got there the old man walked me into the apartment and left. Such a nice apartment! It’s like the 18th floor, huge windows facing the sun that make it very bright. Amazing heating system that made you feel as if it was summer (oh I do miss that right now), really useful bc street temperature was around -10º when I was there.

So I call Jules, and she’s still at work and will be for a few hours. So I decide to go for a walk around the neighborhood, trying to make my body stay awake a few more hours after such a long trip, to try adapt better to jetlag.

The crazy nurse…

First impression was, wow I’m the only non-asian around! It certainly feels weird, I didn’t really understand when Jules was telling me how she felt around the south of Italy, but I immediately did after walking around Beijing. Everyone looks at you as if you were from another planet, and kids stare with an amazed face. Cool! So as I was walking around with my camera, I walked by a dentist clinic, and It was all so cute cartoon like, with greens walls, dressed up nurses, etc, that I stood up to take a picture from the outside. And next thing I see is a nurse running towards me; and I think “Oh crap, she saw me taking that picture and it’s probably forbidden or who knows…” But not at all, she invites me to walk in, very kindly asks where am I from, what am I doing around there, etc… And then she calls all the doctors and nurses in to take a picture of me with them! So weird!!! Damn, I should have asked for that picture somehow…

So once sun fades away, (around 5 pm if I remember right) cold becomes unbearable so I ran home. Jules wasnt going to get home till 8ish, and it was becoming really hard not to sleep…. So I started cleaning the house, which was in quite a need of that…

And then Jules came home, she was wearing a huge backpack with a giant octopus inside! Of course, who else could, but her? Jajaja! It was certainly nice to see her again, but a bit akward of course…

She’s doing great in Beijing, she has this amazing job that pays well, and being in China where most things are quite cheap, “I am rich in China!” as she says, jajajaj! But she has to work very hard, in fact I’d say she’s been clearly overworked working, 12+ hours every day and even during some weekends…

Jules at the office, oh dont be so shy!

So from Monday to Friday I spent my whole day on my own, wandering around the city, which was great. I love getting lost in new places, the most different they are to mine, the better. And Bejing is different

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Bike repairs are in every corner, and Tian Ang Meng.

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Old man playing chinese chess on the (freezing) street, and the Beijing Opera House.

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Some amazing building, workers following very strict security measures, and a huge 4-floor-tall Buddah.

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PingPing matches on the street! Huge empty space by Jules apartment.

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Cable Mess! “Mao is in the air™” and some random street.

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A kind homeless guy. Ronaldinho is in the news even there!

So weekend came and Jules finally was free, so we did plenty of things she organized… We went to some cool neighborhood where all the art galleries are, we checked some private galleries with cool stuff and then the ultra-famous UCCA. Jules invited me to lunch and it was very tasty!

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Italian food in China! and it was actually very good! And art galleries…

We also went to the Beijing Aquarium, after visiting (from far away) the olympic buildings (the bird’s nest, the bubble building, etc. Oh done make me look up the names…) The aquarium had some very funny touches, my favourites were the mermaid lady and the plumbing-adapted morey-eel painting, a very clever way to hide a tube if you aske me.

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Aquarium Time! And that is creative thinking, very nice!

We also ate orange hot-potatoes on the street! Chweet-chweet!

Moniatos are good!

As I was leaving on tuesday, Jules booked “The Old Man” to drive me to the Great Wall of China, which is about 2 hours away by car. It’s up in the mountains, and it does get very cold there… Following Juliana’s advice, I put on my ski pants and it was great!

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The Great Wall of China is VERY steep!

“The Old Man” and his car.

After the drive, I decided to invite the old man to lunch for being so kind, so he decided the place. We ate so much, and so quick! My favourite were those giant meatballs, which looks like they call “LionHeads”.

“Old Man” ‘s favourite place for lunch.

All in all, it was a great trip! Thanks jules! 🙂

All the pictures here. Sorry I didn’t have time to color correct them so they are quite dull looking…

febrer 3, 2008 Off

Nova Bici!

By in Fotografia, General, Viatges


Per fi és dissabte, pero torna a ploure… De totes maneres, després d’un parell de dies de sol durant aquesta setmana, havia decidit comprar una bici, així que hi he anat igualment. L’he comprada a una botiga on lloguen bicis, aprop del Golden Gate Park, per 200$. Sembla car, però els preus de les bicicletes estàn pels núvols aquí! No ho acabo d’entendre, una bici nova i semi decent costaria uns 180€ a Barcelona, aquí no hi ha res nou i similar per menys de 600$ (uns 400€). La bici va força bé, l’he portada sota la pluja des de Marina fins a casa, uns 30 min… I pel què he vist, són molt més respectuosos amb el ciclistes aquí que a Barcelona.


Així que després d’arribar xop a casa, més val que em posi a reparrar emails pq tinc força coses pendents a contestar! pfffff…..

gener 29, 2008 3

San Francisco!

By in Fotografia, Viatges

After 2 nights in San Francisco, I finally got an appartment! I’ve subletted it to a very nice Argentinian girl who has to leave for a few months, so perfect! It’s at Oak Street & Divisadero St. Very bright, perfect size, but a bit cold right now. A bit pricey too, but i think time is more important than money after seeing how’s the short term appartment rental scene in here.

Here’s a quick (and ditry) panoramic of it



After a week of rain, it got nice and warm on staurday! So I took my camera and walked all day around the city. Finally figured out how to get real food! (thank god no more pre-packaged sandwithces, bad pizza or chinese)


Yes, San Francisco is in California. But the weather it’s not like the one they show in Holywood movies.


China Town is cool! It’s funny to hear Cantonese again, having been in Beijing only a week ago. It’s a huge comunity! They have thir own stores, restaurants, and even chinese only banks!


Finally got to see the Golden Gate, if only a bit far away. Thr girl I’m subleting the apartment to told me you can cross it by bike. Can’t wait to get one and do it!


Cable cars are mainly an expensive tourist attraction, most of the city is run by bus or tram-like cars. Some hills are insanely steep!


1035 Oak Street, that’s where I’ll live for the next three months! To those who didnt know, I’ve moved to San Francisco and joined Snibbeinteractive.

desembre 23, 2007 2

Merry Xmas Everyone

By in Fotografia, General

Bon Nadal 2007!

desembre 20, 2007 Off

Anèmona a “El País”

By in Disseny, General, Interactive

Més info aquí.

Read more here.

desembre 11, 2007 Off

Cat on the roof

By in Fotografia

Adéu Miku! Gràcies per tot!

desembre 4, 2007 2

Port de Barcelona – TimeLapse test

By in Fotografia, Tecnologia

Second test on timelapse photography. This went better, as the camera didnt move so much. But something new went wrong, for some reason the camera exposure changed between shots (although it was all set in manual, so I wonder if it was the light in the scene that changed). This makes it look jumpy and needs to be solved. Other than that, is quite cool!

desembre 3, 2007 Off

TimeLapse Photography

By in Development, Disseny, Fotografia

Fa uns dies vaig trobar això i això. Ho trobo brutal, un exemple del que es pot fer amb sèries de fotografies noctures. La referència a koyanisqaatsi és inevitable. I tinc ganes de fer alguna cosa similar a diversos punts de Barcelona.

L’aventatge de fer vídeo amb una càmera fotogràfica és que permet treballar a ressolucions 1080p o superiors. Tinc unes ganes de veure què tal es veu a la tele nova q tenim a casa….

Aquí la primera prova:

Necessito urgentment un trípode com déu mana….

desembre 1, 2007 1

Consequences of shareware

By in Opinió

I’m learning new things since the release of BugMirror, my first shareware app. I guess it is a good sign when people reach your site when looking for a pirated SN of your soft through google… Google analytics is very neat, as it lets you see what did visitors type in their search queries that directed them to your site.

Cmon people! BugMirror is only 7,99€! If you like it enough to go and look for a Serial Number online you might as well pay for it! It’s no more than what you spend going to the cinema! (At least here in Barcelona).

Anyway, glad you like it!

UPDATE: It had to happen sooner or later…. I thought it would happen later though

This looks very different from the other side, ha!

novembre 29, 2007 Off

HEY! That sounds familiar…..

By in Interactive, Opinió


I should go back to work on this!

novembre 24, 2007 2

BugMirror is Out!

By in Disseny, Interactive, Tecnologia

Un altre salva pantalles! BugMirror proposa un mirall molt particular. Milers d’insectes caminen per la pantalla, intentant formar la imatge que veu la vostra isight.

Aquest cop vull provar de ficar-me en el mon del shareware, a veure quines xifres s’hi mouen.

BugMirror es pot descarregar aquí .

novembre 5, 2007 3

L’Anèmona funciona!

By in General

Anèmona està funcionant força bé. Des de que el vaig posar a la web, fa només dues setmanes, l’han descarregat més de 100.000 persones. I avui he vist que és el 4t software més descarregat a apple.com, només per sota de iTunes, QuickTime i Safari. Impensable!