Archive for the ‘Interactive’ Category
Back From Art Rock
By Uri in Fotografia, Interactive, Opinió, ViatgesI was sent to Install Scott Snibbe‘s Social Light at the Art Rock Music Festival, and I’m back. Almost a week in a small small french town (St Brieuc). The best was having a chance to meet the other invited artists. Social Light. I loved Pablo Vabuena‘s Augmented Sculpture. Absolutely shocking and tripping. Vincent Elka’s […]
Back To Barcelona…
By Uri in Disseny, Interactive, ViatgesBack to Barcelona… Still working for SnibbeInteractive, but from back home… And something new and exciting coming up!
Anèmona a “El PaÃs”
By Uri in Disseny, General, InteractiveMés info aquÃ. Read more here.
HEY! That sounds familiar…..
By Uri in Interactive, Opinió I should go back to work on this!
BugMirror is Out!
By Uri in Disseny, Interactive, TecnologiaUn altre salva pantalles! BugMirror proposa un mirall molt particular. Milers d’insectes caminen per la pantalla, intentant formar la imatge que veu la vostra isight. Aquest cop vull provar de ficar-me en el mon del shareware, a veure quines xifres s’hi mouen. BugMirror es pot descarregar aquà .
Eye Contact
By Uri in General, Interactive, TecnologiaBut it has to feel like it’s really looking at you. Real Eye contact.OpenCV makes this reasonable, and this is the first experimental puppet.
Flow / Anèmona
By Uri in Development, Disseny, InteractiveLong time since I wanted to make a screensaver out of LiquidMac. Done!Give Flow a try!
Nature as an animated pattern generator
By Uri in Interactive, OpinióMy dad loves fishin, and lately he’s been getting into squid fishing.Last weekend he got quite a big one, 70 cm!That’s not so cool on its own, but calamari skin is. I know they can change their skin “color”, but I had no idea they could do it even after dead!
OpenCV for Mac OS X
By Uri in Interactive, TecnologiaSomeone ported OpenCV (Intel’s Open Computer Vision library) to Mac OS X! It’s playtime!